Bellmoore Group Inc Überprüfung bei der Auswahl eines Mandanten Makler, hier sind ein paar Vorsichtsmaßnahmen zu treffen, wenn die Auswahl ein, um Sie zu vertreten:
-Stellen Sie sicher, dass Sie einen Mieter Vertreter frei von Interessenkonflikten wählen. Sein einziges Engagement muss Ihr Bestes Interesse sein.
-Wählen Sie diejenige, die ihre spezifischen Anforderungen und Belegungs Anforderungen versteht. Es ist wichtig, dass er Ihre Geschäfts Natur, Ihre Zielgruppe und andere wesentliche Anforderungen versteht.
-Stellen Sie sicher, dass er weiß, was er tut und Check-out seine Erfahrung. Ein Mieter Vertreter muss in gewerblichen Immobilienmärkten gut informiert sein.
-Sie müssen das Zielgebiet gut kennen. Wenn Sie wissen, dass Ihr Mieter professionell über den Zielbereich und die Umgebung informiert ist, können Sie sicher sein, dass Sie während des gesamten Leasing Prozesses in guten Händen sind.
Eines der Dinge, die Sie betrachten müssen, ist nie wählen Sie einen Mieter Broker, der vor Ihnen zuerst kommt. Es gibt verschiedene kommerzielle Mieter Vertreter auf dem Markt verfügbar, so stellen Sie sicher, eine eingehende Forschung zuerst tun und wählen Sie mit bedacht. Schauen Sie sich Ihre Reputation auf dem Markt, ihre Erfahrungen und die Qualität der Dienstleistung zuerst. Diese Dinge werden Ihnen helfen, den richtigen Mieter Makler können Sie Vertrauen und wenden Sie sich für effiziente Business-Lösungen.
Bell Moore Group Inc. versteht, dass jeder Mieter hat einzigartige und unverwechselbare Bedürfnisse je nach Ihrer Unternehmung. Schließlich können solche Notwendigkeiten durch die dynamischen Kräfte auf dem Markt, Immobilien Tendenzen und die allgemeine ökonomische Bedingung der Gesellschaft ändern. Aus diesem Grund nimmt Bell Moore eine aktive Rolle bei der Analyse und begreifen die Chancen und die potenziellen Risiken in den einzelnen Kunden die Nutzung Ihrer geplanten Eigentum Leasing oder Erwerb beteiligt.
Seit mehr als 25 Jahren im gewerblichen Immobilienmarkt hat das Team die beste Raumlösung für Ihre Kunden vor Ort und weltweit geliefert. Seit ihrer Gründung, Bell Moore bemüht sich, ihre Professionalität, Hingabe an Exzellenz und den Ruf, die unvergleichliche Autorität in gewerblichen Immobilien-Operationen auf globaler Ebene zu erhalten.
You can feel happier in just one minute by first understanding a few important facts.
"Happiness could be defined as the emotion of progress toward desirable goals. There is an instant of contemplation* of the last goal in which one is content. But contentment becomes boredom immediately that new goals do not come to view. There is no more unhappy thing than a man who has accomplished all his ends in life." -- L. Ron Hubbard(*contemplation = thoughtful observation; meditation)
Let's examine three parts of this definition.
What was the last goal you reached? Do you remember that feeling of contentment?
For example, how did you feel right after your wedding? When you got your first job? When you graduated from school?
For example, planning a vacation is exciting. But toward the end of a vacation many people are bored as they no longer have a goal.
Arguments during honeymoons are common, if the newlyweds do not set goals for their marriage.
Planning your retirement and the first day of retirement is a thrill. But the joy of freedom quickly turns to boredom and early death if you do not work on new goals.
Making yourself happy is easy! Simply chose desirable goals and make progress toward them.
Three Steps to Feeling Happier, Right Now
As soon as you take this one step, you'll feel instant happiness.
Try it!
Duncan Card is the Managing Principal of Bennett Jones (Bermuda) Ltd., which carries on the practice of law in Bermuda in association with Bennett Jones LLP.
Duncan is widely regarded as one of Canada's leading technology, outsourcing, and e Commerce lawyers. Duncan has been included in the prestigious ranking of Lexpert Magazine's and American Lawyer Media's ranking of the Leading 500 Lawyers in Canada for 15 years. Duncan is included in Woodward/White's 2014 edition of The Best Lawyers in Canada in the specialty of Information Technology Law. In January 2013, Duncan was ranked as a "Most Frequently Recommended" lawyer in Canada for Technology Transactions by the Canadian Legal Lexpert Directory. Duncan is included in The International Who's Who of Internet e-Commerce & Data Protection Lawyers 2012. Duncan is included in Practical Law's Multi-Jurisdictional "2012-2013 Guide To The Leading Lawyers Worldwide" for outsourcing transactions and in Thomson Carswell's 2014 Lexpert Guide to the Leading US/Canada Cross-border Corporate Lawyers in Canada.
Duncan is identified as one of the world’s leading patent and technology licensing practitioners in the 2012 Intellectual Asset Management (IAM) publication: IAM Licensing 250 – The World’s Leading Patent and Technology Licensing Practitioners. Duncan is ranked in 2014 Chambers Global: The World's Leading Lawyers for Business, and 2011 was the third year Duncan was cited as a leading lawyer in Lawday's North America's Leading Lawyers. He has also been cited as one of the world's leading lawyers in Euromoney's Expert Guides to the World's Leading Technology, Media & Telecommunications Lawyers (U.K. publication). Duncan is also recommended for IT transactions and Outsourcing transactions in the 2012 British publication, PLC Which lawyer?, published by the UK based Practical Law Company. He is again cited as one of the top lawyers in the world in the independent, 2011 International Who's Who of Internet and E-Commerce Lawyers (U.K. publication), and 2013 was Duncan's 6th year of inclusion in Canadian Who's Who.
Duncan has provided internationally recognized leadership in many leading technology industry associations, including: the Centre For Outsourcing Research & Education (CORE), the Canadian Chamber of Commerce's E-Commerce and Telecommunications Committee; the Outsourcing Committee for the Canadian IT Law Association; the Licensing Executives Society (U.S.A./Canada) (Co-Chair of LES' Software Committee); CIO Association of Canada; the CIO Summit Canada (for whom he frequently teaches IT transaction courses); the Advisory Board for E-Commerce Law Magazine; the Retail Council of Canada's E-Business Committee; the Toronto Computer Lawyers Group; and, the International Technology Law Association (U.S.). He founded the Technology Industry Committee of the Arbitration and Mediation Institute of Ontario and he was a Canadian correspondent for World e-Business Law Report in London, U.K. He is a member of: the Canadian Information Technology Law Association; both the American Bar Association's Science & Technology Law Section's "Homeland Security Committee", the "Internet Relationships and Cloud Computing Committee", and the International Law Section's "National Security Committee"; the International Bar Association's Computer Technology Law Committee; Canadian Association of Defence and Security Industries; both the Canadian Nuclear Law Association and the International Nuclear Law Association; and, the Society for Computers and Law (UK). He was also a member of the Uniform Law Conference of Canada, Electronic Commerce Project.
Duncan is a member of the Institute of Corporate Directors (Canada) and the Institute of Directors (UK), and has served as a director of several multinational corporations, including Warner Communications companies in Canada, GlobeNet Communications, Monroe Systems For Business Limited, Canadian National Institute for the Blind (Ontario), FinancialCAD Corporation, Auto21 Inc., Hitachi Data Systems Inc., and Capital G Limited, one of Bermuda's most prestigious financial services enterprises (where Duncan Chaired the Compensation Committee, 2003-2007). Duncan is also a past elected member of the Board of Trustees of Queen's University in Kingston (2000-2006), and he sits on various advisory boards, including, Contego Data Systems Inc., Kenception Technology and CIO Summit. Duncan has provided advice to many Boards of Directors, Audit Committees, regulatory bodies, and executive managers (including CIOs and General Counsel) concerning all aspects of commercial technology transactions, including technology governance issues, outsourcing transactions risk management, and related security governance duties and obligations. Duncan graduated as Class Valedictorian and earned his professional independent director designation (ICD.D) from the Institute of Corporate Directors and the University of Toronto’s Rotman School of Management.
New Hampshire Dartmouth-Lake Sunapee Region:
Follow the river and you will follow the path many early settlers took. The mighty Connecticut River, which flows from northern New Hampshire to the Long Island Sound, forms the state's and this region's western border. It provided transportation and easy access to southern New England markets, and rich farmlands were found along its shores. Here the line of defense was drawn during the French and Indian Wars at numbered forts, including the Fort at No. 4, now the town of Charlestown.
As important as the river was, this region is instead named for the Ivy League school, Dartmouth College in Hanover, first chartered in 1769; and for Lake Sunapee, the unusually clear lake graced by inland lighthouses. A State Park and mountain on its shore share the lake's name.
Attractions in the Dartmouth-Lake Sunapee Region run from the natural to the historic, from the Fells Historic Site at the John Hay National Wildlife Refuge in Newbury on the eastern shore of Lake Sunapee to Ruggles Mine in Grafton. Sports enthusiasts have plenty to choose from year-round, from downhill and cross country skiing in winter; to boating, swimming and fishing on the Connecticut River and the many lakes and ponds in the summer. There are hundreds of miles of hiking and mountain biking trails, a number of challenging golf courses, State Beaches and State Parks.